Danh mục môi trường vi sinh
Code | Products | Package |
MRD500 | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent | 500g |
MRD9T50 | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent 9ml | 50tubes |
MRD100ML | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent 100ml | 100ml |
PCA500 | AgarCultTM Plate Count Agar | 500g |
PCA90 | AgarCultTM Plate Count Agar 90mm | 10plates |
PCA60 | AgarCultTM Plate Count Agar 60mm | 10plates |
PCA55 | AgarCultTM Plate Count Agar 55mm, contact plate | 10plates |
CGTPC500 | ChromoGelTM Total Plate Count Agar | 500g |
CGTPC90 | ChromoGelTM Total Plate Count Agar 90mm | 10plates |
CGTPC60 | ChromoGelTM Total Plate Count Agar 60mm | 10plates |
CGTPC55 | ChromoGelTM Total Plate Count Agar 55mm, contact plate | 10plates |
Code | Products | Package |
MRD500 | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent | 500g |
MRD9T50 | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent 9ml | 50tubes |
MRD100ML | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent 100ml | 100ml |
LSB500 | AgarCultTM Lauryl Sulfate Broth | 500g |
LSMB500 | AgarCultTM Lauryl Sulfate MUG Broth | 500g |
BGBLB500 | AgarCultTM Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth 2% | 500g |
BGBLB100ML | AgarCultTM Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth 2%, 100ml | 100ml |
BGBLB9TDH | AgarCultTM Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth 2%, 9ml, duham tube | 50tube |
BGBLMB500 | AgarCultTM Brilliant Green Bile Lactose MUG Broth 2% | 500g |
VRBLA500 | AgarCultTM Violet Red Bile Lactose Agar | 500g |
VRBLA90 | AgarCultTM Violet Red Bile Lactose Agar 90mm | 10plates |
VRBLMA500 | AgarCultTM Violet Red Bile Lactose MUG Agar | 500g |
CGCOL500 | ChromoGelTM Coliforms Agar ISO 9308 | 500g |
CGCOL90 | ChromoGelTM Coliforms Agar 90mm | 10plates |
CGTPC60 | ChromoGelTM E.coli/Coliforms Agar | 500g |
CGTPC55 | ChromoGelTM E.coli/Coliforms Agar 90mm | 10plates |
MMGA500 | AgarCultTM Minerals Modified Glutamate Agar | 500g |
MMGMC500 | AgarCultTM Minerals Modified Glutamate Medium Combo | 500g |
CGTBX500 | ChromoGelTM TBX Agar ISO 16649 | 500g |
ECB500 | AgarCultTM Escherichia Coli Broth (EC) | 500g |
ECB9TDH | AgarCultTM Escherichia Coli Broth (EC) 9ml, duham tube | 50tubes |
ECMB500 | AgarCultTM Escherichia Coli MUG Broth (ECMUG) | 500g |
LACB500 | AgarCultTM Lactose Broth | 500g |
EMB500 | AgarCultTM Levine EMB Agar | 500g |
PW500 | AgarCultTM Peptone Water | 500g |
MRVPB500 | AgarCultTM MRVP Broth | 500g |
CTKIR100 | ChemTestTM Kovac' Indole Reagent 100ml | 100ml |
CTKIR10 | ChemTestTM Kovac' Indole Reagent 10ml | 10ml |
CTVP1R10 | ChemTestTM VP1 Reagent 10ml | 10ml |
CTVP2R10 | ChemTestTM VP2 Reagent 10ml | 10ml |
BTAEOKPI | BTAntiseraTM E.coli Polyvalent I 2ml | 2ml |
BTAEOKPII | BTAntiseraTM E.coli Polyvalent II 2ml | 2ml |
BTAEOKPIII | BTAntiseraTM E.coli Polyvalent III 2ml | 2ml |
BTAEH7 | BTAntiseraTM E. coli H7 2ml | 2ml |
BTAEO157 | BTAntiseraTM E.coli O157 2ml | 2ml |
BPA500 | AgarCult™ Baird Parker Agar ISO 6888-1 ISO 6888-2 |
AgarCultTM Brain Heart Infusion Broth 9ml | |
BHIA500 | AgarCult™ Brain Heart Infusion Agar |
BHIB500 | AgarCult™ Brain Heart Infusion Broth ISO 6888-1 |
BHIA9010 | AgarCultTM Brain Heart Infusion Agar 90mm |
GICB500 | AgarCult™ Giolitti-Cantoni Broth ISO 6888-3 ISO 5944 |
MSA500 | AgarCult™ Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman) ISO 22718 EP USP |
MSB500 | AgarCult™ Mannitol Salt Broth |
MSA9010 | AgarCultTM Mannitol Salt Agar 90mm |
Code | Products | Package |
MRD500 | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent | 500g |
MRD9T50 | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent 9ml | 50tubes |
MRD100ML | AgarCultTM Maximum Recovery Diluent 100ml | 100ml |
BPW500 | AgarCultTM Buffered Peptone Water | 500g |
REBPW25 | ReadyEnrichmentTM Buffered Peptone Water (sample 25g) | 50pcs |
REBPW375 | ReadyEnrichmentTM Buffered Peptone Water (sample 375g) | 10pcs |
BPWS500 | AgarCultTM Buffered Peptone Water Salmonella Selective | 500g |
REBPWS25 | ReadyEnrichmentTM Buffered Peptone Water Salmonella Selective (sample 25g) | 50pcs |
REBPWS375 | ReadyEnrichmentTM Buffered Peptone Water Salmonella Selective (sample 375g) | 10pcs |
RVSB500 | AgarCultTM Rappaport Vassiliadis Soy Broth | 500g |
RVSB10T | AgarCultTM Rappaport Vassiliadis Soy Broth 10ml | 50pcs |
MKTTNBB500 | AgarCultTM Muller - Kauffmann Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth Base (MKTTn) |
500g |
NOV10S | AgarCultTM Novobiocin Suplement | 10vials |
MKTTNB10T | AgarCultTM Muller - Kauffmann Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) 10ml |
50pcs |
XLD500 | AgarCultTM Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar ( XLD) | 500g |
XLD9010 | AgarCultTM Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar ( XLD) 90mm | 10plates |
CGSAL500 | ChromoGelTM Salmonella Agar | 500g |
CGSAL9010 | ChromoGelTM Salmonella Agar 90mm | 10plates |
MC252 | MultiCultTM 252 Salmonella Agar / BPW | 25pcs |
MC255 | MultiCultTM 255 Salmonella Agar / BPWSS (Express) | 25pcs |
MC253 | MultiCultTM 253 Salmonella Agar / MKTTn Broth | 25pcs |
MC254 | MultiCultTM 254 Salmonella Agar / RVS Broth | 25pcs |
BTASOMNI | BTAntisera™ Salmomella Omnivalent antiserum 2ml | 2ml |
BTASPH | BTAntisera™ Salmomella H Polyvalent (Phase1+2) 2ml | 2ml |
BTASVI | BTAntisera™ Salmonella VI 2ml | 2ml |
BTASOG55 | BTAntisera™ Salmonella O Group 55 2ml | 2ml |
BLEBS500 | AgarCult™ Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth with Supplements |
BPWE500 | AgarCult™ Buffered Peptone Water EP USP |
BPW500 | AgarCult™ Buffered Peptone Water ISO 6579, ISO 6887, ISO 11290 |
BSPW500 | AgarCult™ Buffered Saline Peptone Water |
LFB500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Fraser Broth ISO 1129 |
LHFBB500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Broth Base ISO 11290 |
LHFBA500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Broth with Antibiotic ISO 11290 |
LHF10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Supplement |
LF10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Fraser Supplement |
LFB500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Fraser Broth ISO 1129 |
LHFBB500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Broth Base ISO 11290 |
LHFBA500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Broth with Antibiotic ISO 11290 |
LOA500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Oxford Agar ISO 11290-1 |
LPA500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Palcam Agar ISO 11290-2 |
LUVM1500 | AgarCult™ Listeria UVM I Selective Enrichment Broth (see UVM I) |
LUVM2500 | AgarCult™ Listeria UVM II Selective Enrichment Broth (see UVM II) |
UVM1500 | AgarCult™ UVM-I Listeria Selective Enrichment Broth Modified |
UVM2500 | AgarCult™ UVM-II Listeria Selective Enrichment Broth Modified |
LHF10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Supplement |
LF10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Fraser Supplement |
LO10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Oxford Supplement |
LP10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Palcam Supplement |
ALOA500 | AgarCult™ Agar Listeria Ottavani & Agosti (ALOA) ISO 11290 |
BLEBS500 | AgarCult™ Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth with Supplements |
BPWE500 | AgarCult™ Buffered Peptone Water EP USP |
BPW500 | AgarCult™ Buffered Peptone Water ISO 6579, ISO 6887, ISO 11290 |
BSPW500 | AgarCult™ Buffered Saline Peptone Water |
LFB500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Fraser Broth ISO 1129 |
LHFBB500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Broth Base ISO 11290 |
LHFBA500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Broth with Antibiotic ISO 11290 |
LHF10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Supplement |
LF10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Fraser Supplement |
LFB500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Fraser Broth ISO 1129 |
LHFBB500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Broth Base ISO 11290 |
LHFBA500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Broth with Antibiotic ISO 11290 |
LOA500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Oxford Agar ISO 11290-1 |
LPA500 | AgarCult™ Listeria Palcam Agar ISO 11290-2 |
LUVM1500 | AgarCult™ Listeria UVM I Selective Enrichment Broth (see UVM I) |
LUVM2500 | AgarCult™ Listeria UVM II Selective Enrichment Broth (see UVM II) |
UVM1500 | AgarCult™ UVM-I Listeria Selective Enrichment Broth Modified |
UVM2500 | AgarCult™ UVM-II Listeria Selective Enrichment Broth Modified |
LHF10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Half Fraser Supplement |
LF10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Fraser Supplement |
LO10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Oxford Supplement |
LP10S | AgarCult™ Listeria Palcam Supplement |
ALOA500 | AgarCult™ Agar Listeria Ottavani & Agosti (ALOA) ISO 11290 |
BPGA500 | AgarCult™ Bromocresol Purple Glucose Agar ISO 21528, ISO 7402, ISO 8523 |
BPGB500 | AgarCult™ Bromocresol Purple Glucose Broth |
BPLA500 | AgarCult™ Bromocresol Purple Lactose Agar (BCP) |
LACTBBP500 | AgarCult™ Lactose Broth with Bromocresol Purple |
DRIA500 | AgarCult™ Drigalski Agar |
EEB500 | AgarCult™ EE Broth (Mossel) ISO 21528-1 |
BPGA500 | AgarCult™ Bromocresol Purple Glucose Agar ISO 21528, ISO 7402, ISO 8523 |
ROTA500 | AgarCult™ Rothe Agar (Glucose Agar w Azide) |
VRBG500 | AgarCult™ Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar ISO 21528 |
KIA500 | AgarCult™ Kligler Iron Agar ISO 10273 |
MCACV500 | AgarCult™ MacConkey Agar w/o Crystal Violet |
MCACVSC500 | AgarCult™ MacConkey Agar w/o Crystal Violet and w/o Sodium Chloride |
MCAS500 | AgarCult™ MacConkey Agar with Sorbitol (CT-SMAC) ISO 11133 ISO 16654 |
TSIA500 | AgarCult™ Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI) ISO 6579 ISO 19250 |
VRBG500 | AgarCult™ Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar ISO 21528 |
VRBGL500 | AgarCult™ Violet Red Bile Glucose Lactose Agar (VRBGL) |
WORA500 | AgarCult™ Wort Agar |
WORB500 | AgarCult™ Wort Broth |
SCA500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar ISO 11133 ISO 16212 EP USP |
SCDA500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Cycloheximide Dextrose Agar |
SDA2500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 2% |
SDA500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Dextrose Agar ISO 11133 ISO 16212 EP USP |
SDACC500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w Chloramphenicol w Cycloheximide |
SDACG500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w Chloramphenicol w Gentamicin |
SDB500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Dextrose Broth EP USP |
SMA500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Maltose Agar |
SMB500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Maltose Broth |
YGC9010 | AgarCultTM Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar 90mm |
SCA9010 | AgarCultTM Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar 90mm |
SDACC500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w Chloramphenicol w Cycloheximide |
SDACG500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w Chloramphenicol w Gentamicin |
SCA500 | AgarCult™ Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar ISO 11133 ISO 16212 EP USP |
RBAC500 | AgarCult™ Rose Bengal Agar w Chloramphenicol |
RBAC500 | AgarCult™ Rose Bengal Agar w Chloramphenicol |
RBACDA500 | AgarCult™ Rose Bengal Agar w Cholamphenicol w Dichloran (DRBC Agar) |
ChromoGel™ Bacillus cereus Agar (BCA)
ChromoGel™ Candida Agar (CAN)
ChromoGel™ Coliform Agar (COL) ISO 9308
ChromoGel™ CRE Agar (CRE)
ChromoGel™ Ecoli Coliforms Agar (EEC)
ChromoGel™ Enterobacteria Agar (EEA)
ChromoGel™ Enterococcus Agar (ENT)
ChromoGel™ ESBL Agar (ESBL)
ChromoGel™ KPC Agar (KPC)
ChromoGel™ Listeria Agar Base (ALOA) acc ISO 11290
ChromoGel™ L.mono Agar (Listeria monocytogenes)
ChromoGel™ MRSA Agar (MRSA)
ChromoGel™ Salmonella Agar (SAL)
ChromoGel™ Salmonella RB Agar (Rambach Agar)
ChromoGel™ Screen GN Agar (SGN)
ChromoGel™ Screen GP Agar (SGP)
ChromoGel™ Strepto B Agar (STRB)
ChromoGel™ TBX Agar ISO 16649
ChromoGel™ Total Plate Count Agar (TPC)
ChromoGel™ Urine Agar (URI)
ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB)
ChromoGel™ Vibrio CP Agar (VCP)
ChromoGel™ Yeast Mold Rapid Agar (YMA)